The Wisdom of the Creation, Pt. 2

We have all probably heard someone say, “There’s no proof of God’s existence.”  But is there proof?  Can science show the existence of God?

Psalm 19:1-4 reads,
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their words to the end of the world,” 

and again, Psalm 14:1,
“The fool has said in his heart,
‘There is no God.’”

The Scripture boldly declares that the man who does not believe there is a God is a fool.  For a person who doesn’t believe something to be considered a fool, the evidence for that thing must be of such a strength that a right-thinking person can come to no other conclusion, than that the thing is true; so strong is the evidence, then, that God has given us as to His existence, that God, whose judgment is sound, declares the unbeliever a fool.

What then is the evidence? 

Science proves the existence of God
The second law of thermodynamics describes how everything in the universe resorts to chaos; that is, all order is constantly returning to disorder.  Everything in this existence which has order is slowly but surely deteriorating; it is in a continual state of returning to disorder.  A picture left in the sun fades away.  Metal left outside turns to rust.  Sometimes the process is slow, other times it is fast, but this is a law which cannot be gotten around.

What does this mean?  Only this: there cannot be order, without an intelligence putting that which is disordered into order.  This is because anything left alone will naturally deteriorate; it will never assume order.  Left to its own, iron ore will never assemble itself into an object; a tool for example.  But leave that tool alone, and it will eventually return to the elements.  This is a process that only works in one direction; order returns to disorder.

How does this prove the existence of God?  The created world has order.  For an example close to all of us, our bodies have order.  Look at your hand; it clearly has order.  This cannot be denied.  But order cannot exist, without an intelligence creating that order.  This also cannot be denied.  Thus it is written,

“The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork…
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard,”

and He boldly declares,
“The fool has said in his heart,
‘There is no God.’”

How is it, looking at a robotic hand, no one doubts that an intelligence made it, but looking at our own hand, we are in denial?